Does BOXRAW deliver to PO Boxes?
BOXRAW does not currently deliver to PO Boxes.
BOXRAW does not currently deliver to PO Boxes.
We have two options for UK Delivery, our Standard Delivery and our Next Working Day Delivery. We aim to dispatch all orders within 3 working days.
There are a number of option for delivery in North and South America. We aim to dispatch all orders within 3 working days.
There are a number of option for delivery in Europe. Due to the ongoing situation, our couriers have advised they are unable to enter Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine right now.
There are a number of option for delivery in Australasia. We aim to dispatch all orders within 3 working days.
There are a number of option for delivery in Asia. We aim to dispatch all orders within 3 working days.
Please see the table below for shipping options and pricing in Africa. We aim to dispatch all orders within 3 working days.
You may be susceptible to customs charges in certain areas which will be charged upon the parcel reaching the destination country.
We currently do not ship to the following places: